Become a Sponsor!
The North Star Charitable Golf Event would not be possible without the generosity of our sponsors and participants.
See below for both exclusive and hole sponsorship opportunities as well as how you can be included in our event!
Exclusive Sponsorships
Presenting Sponsor
Exclusivity as Presenting Sponsor
Name recognition as “North Star Charitable Golf Tournament presented by YOUR ORGANIZATION”
Prominently listed on website with link to your organization webpage
Prominently listed on all signage, print materials, website, plus special acknowledgements
Special recognition at post-round luncheon
Logo and name on front page of website
Gift bag prize (optional Sponsor of Hole #1 (signage, table, chairs, and ability to give things away)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Golfer/Mulligan Package Sponsor
Exclusivity as Sponsor of Mulligan Package
Name recognition as “Golfers Mulligan Package presented by YOUR ORGANIZATION” at event
Prominently listed on website, all print materials, plus special acknowledgements
Special recognition at post-round luncheon
Handout in Golfer Package Bag that goes to each group (optional to provide)
Sponsor of one hole (signage, table, chairs, and ability to give things away)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Contest Sponsor
Exclusivity as Proxy Sponsor for Long Drive, Long Putt, and Closest to Pin
Name recognition as “Long Drive contest presented by YOUR ORGANIZATION” at event
Prominently listed on all print materials, plus special acknowledgements
Special recognition at post-round luncheon
Proxy Winner Prizes (optional to provide) – presented by your organization
Sponsor of one Proxy Hole (signage, table, chairs, and ability to give things away)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Raffle Sponsor
Exclusivity as Sponsor of Raffle Event
Name recognition as “Raffle presented by YOUR ORGANIZATION” at event
Prominently listed on all print materials, plus special acknowledgements
Special recognition at post-round luncheon
Handout in Gift Bag that goes to each group (optional to provide)
Sponsor of one hole (signage, table, chairs, and ability to give things away)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Hole Sponsorships
Eagle Sponsors
Sponsor of hole (signage, table, chairs, ability to give things away at hole)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Listed in all print material
Special recognition at post round luncheon
Ability to provide items to gift bags received by all participants
Ability to provide prizes for winners
Par Sponsors
Sponsor of hole (signage provided)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Listed in all print material
Birdie Sponsors
Sponsor of hole (signage, table, chairs, ability to give things away at hole)
Foursome of golfers provided (along with lunch and dinner)
Mulligan package provided
Listed in all print material
Ability to provide prizes for winners
Gallery Sponsors
Sponsor of hole (signage provided)
Listed in all print material